“…To this end, previous scholarship has addressed savings mobilization in Ghana (Dadzie, Akaah, and Dunson 1989), the market orientation of smallholders in Ghana (Blankson, Cowan, and Darley 2018), indigenous African businesses (Babah-Doudah, Barth, and Ingenbleek 2019), export marketing policies (Arnould 1989), and the adaptability of pineapple marketing systems in Benin (Hounhouigan et al 2014). More recently, the Journal of Macromarketing published a special issue on marketing systems in African economies (Dadzie and Sheth 2020). Relatedly, development scholars have also investigated the relative advantage of FFS versus IFAs in Africa’s savings’ mobilization marketing systems (Adams 1978; von Pischke, Adams, and Donald 1983; Allhassan, Reddy, and Guppati 2019; Aryeetey and Udy 1997; Fernando 1991; Hoffman 1990; Meyer et al 1989; Sanches Barrios et al 2015; von Pischke, Adams, and Donald 1983).…”