The increasing demand for shallots is inversely proportional to the quality of the current production. Efforts to improve and increase quality of production are selection of good varieties and add plant regulatory substances has also become the focus of many researchers in their effect on plant growth. Therefore, research was carried out on the effect of the varieties and also plant regulatory substances namely paclobutrazol on the growth and production of shallot plants. This research was carried out at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University from August to November 2021. This research was carried out as a factorial experiment in a split plot design, as the main plot, namely the botanical seed varieties of shallot (v) consists of 3 varieties, namely the Lokananta varieties (v1), Maserati varieties (v2), and Sanren varieties (v3), as a sub-plot, namely the concentration of paclobutrazol consists of 4 levels, namely 0 ppm (k0), 100 ppm (k1), 200 ppm (k2) and 300 ppm (k3). The research results showed that the interaction of the Sanren varieties with paclobutrazol concentration of 100 ppm gave the best results on the weight of fresh stover per plant (26.04 g), weight of dry stover per plant (19.23 g) and production per hectare (9.20 ton/ha). The Sanren varieties gave the best results on chlorophyll a (387.23 μmol.m−2), chlorophyll b (187.12 μmol.m−2), total chlorophyll (564.14 μmol.m−2) and number of tubers (1.81). Paclobutrazol concentration of 100 ppm gave the best results on plant height (43.07 cm) and number of leaves (6.24 strands), while paclobutrazol concentration of 200 ppm gave the best results on tuber diameter (23.13 mm) and paclobutrazol concentration of 300 ppm gave the best results on the number of tubers (1.54).