This study aims to determine the effect of various types and doses of green manure on the production of local Muna peanut plants and to determine the treatment that gives the best response to the production of local Muna peanut plants. This research was carried out at the Field Laboratory of Experimental Gardens II, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari. Taking place from October 2021 to February 2022. This study used a two-factor Randomized Block Design (RDB), the first types of green manure kirinyu (H1), Colopogonium (H2) and gamal (H3). The second factor was the fertilizer dose consisting of 0 t ha-1 (T0), 7,5 t ha-1 (T1), 15 t ha-1 (T2) and 22,5 t ha-1 (T3), so there are 12 treatment combinations and repeated 3 times. The research data were analyzed using analysis of variance and further tested using the honest real difference test. The results showed that the interaction of various types and doses of green manure had a very significant effect on the number of filled pods, weight of filled pods, the percentage of filled pods and pod production, but gave an insignificant interaction effect on the number of productive branches. The combination of types and doses of kirinyu green manure 22,5 t ha-1 (H3T3) gave the best response to increasing the production of local peanut plants in Muna.