Cross-effect (CE) dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a rapidly developing technique that enhances the signal intensities in magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra. We report CE DNP experiments at 211, 600 and 800 MHz using a new series of biradical polarizing agents referred to as TEMTriPols, in which a nitroxide (TEMPO) and a trityl radical are chemically tethered. The TEMTriPol molecule with the optimal performance yields a record 1 H NMR signal enhancement of 65 at 800 MHz at a concentration of 10 mM in a glycerol/water solvent matrix. The CE DNP enhancement for the TEMTriPol biradicals does not decrease as the magnetic field is increased in the manner usually observed for bis-nitroxides. Instead, the relatively strong exchange interaction between the trityl and nitroxide moieties determines the magnetic field at which the optimum enhancement is observed.
Graphical abstractA series of biradicals consisting of a nitroxide chemically tethered to a trityl are employed for cross-effect DNP at 211, 600 and 800 MHz. The relatively strong exchange interaction between the trityl and nitroxide moieties determines the field strength at which the enhancement is optimized, and yields a record 1 H NMR signal enhancement of 65 at 800 MHz.Correspondence to: Guinevere Mathies; Yangping Liu; Robert G. Griffin. # Current address: Dr. Kan-Nian Hu: Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, 50 Northern Avenue, Boston, MA 02210 (USA); Dr. Marc A. Caporini: Amgen Inc., 360 Binney Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 (USA) Supporting information for this article is given via a link at the end of the document. In these experiments, unpaired electrons (introduced into the NMR sample in the form of polarizing agents) are irradiated with microwaves at or near the electron Larmor frequency, and induce mutual electron-nuclear spin flips effecting a transfer of the electron spin polarization to the surrounding nuclei. Since its first application to MAS NMR at high field, [11] the efficiency of the DNP method has been increasing steadily through the development of dedicated highpower, high-frequency gyrotrons as microwave sources, specialized NMR/DNP cryo-probes, and optimization of sample preparation. Moreover, major increases in the enhancement factors have been derived from the chemical synthesis of improved polarizing agents.
HHS Public AccessThe DNP mechanism that is currently most successful in high-field MAS NMR experiments is the cross-effect (CE It requires two interacting electrons, one of which interacts with a nearby nucleus, commonly a proton. The difference between the electron Larmor frequencies of these two electrons must be equal to the 1 H Larmor frequency, ω 0e1 -ω 0e2 = ±ω 01H . At this simplified CE matching condition (vide infra), strong state mixing occurs and consequently there is a high probability that microwave radiation resonant with electron 1 will flip electron 2 and the coupled proton together. [18] Initially, CE DNP experiments were performed with samples containing high concentrations of nitroxide monoradicals,...