Connections between the Brueckner and Goldstone forms of the linked-cluster theorem are clarified in an elementary fashion employing a finite many-body system of electrons interacting via two-body forces as an illustrative example. It is shown that the order-by-order cancellations of Brueckner unlinked terms in the many-body wave function and energy occur in the Goldstone development upon the additions of the different time orderings of Feynman-Goldstone diagrams having disconnected vacuum parts. The factoring of the vacuum amplitude from the wave function, upon which customary presentations of the theorem focus attention, is seen to be irrelevant to the cancellations of Brueckner unlinked terms, and has to do, rather, with the presence of secular and normalization terms in the time-dependent perturbation functions for an adiabatically switched static perturbation. Similarly, the equivalence of the vacuum amplitude with the exponential of all connected vacuum diagrams, originally demonstrated by Feynman in the case of hole theory, is seen to be irrelevant to the cancellations of Brueckner unlinked terms in the energy, which occur in the Goldstone development upon the summations over all time orderings of disconnected vacuum diagrams. The distinction between Brueckner unlinked terms on the one hand, and secular and normalization terms on the other, is confused in customary presentations of the linked-cluster theorem by the use of exponential switching, following Gell-Mann and Low, and is clarified in the present development by considering the Friedrichs limit of ideal adiabatic switching.