“…But within our first approximation, rt + u e(rt () + u (1)) 2e[ (from(7)), so that r/+ u is constant along any straight line in the (x, t) plane for which dx/dt 1 + 1/4(rt + u). Thus, treating rt and u now as functions of x and only, we have(11) (r/+ u), +(r/+ u)x[1 +](rt + u)] 0, and similarly, from the second of (10),(12) (n u),-(n u) [a + k(n u)] 0.Since the characteristics of (11) and(12) are straight lines, these equations are easily solved. For example, r/(x, 0) e cos 2zrx and u (x, 0) 0 in the periodic problem of 2, so that rt + u is constant along the (x, t) line passing through (xx, 0) and defined by x xx t{1 + ]e cos 2rxx}, and similarly rt u is constant along the line x-x2Note that a systematic consideration of higher order terms might make the use of basic variables like t(1 + e2tl + ), "r et, useful; see Lick[6] and[7].Downloaded 11/19/14 to…”