A possible interplay between the two terms of the general type-II seesaw formula is exercised which leads to the generation of nonzero θ 13 . The specific flavor structure of the model, guided by the A 4 × Z 4 × Z 3 symmetry and accompanied with the Standard Model singlet flavons, yields the conventional seesaw contribution to produce the tribimaximal lepton mixing which is further corrected by the presence of the SU (2) L triplet contribution to accommodate θ 13 . We consider the CP symmetry to be spontaneously broken by the complex vacuum expectation value (vev) of a singlet field S. While the magnitude of its complex vev is responsible for generating θ 13 , its phase part induces the low energy CP violating phase (δ) and the CP violation required for leptogenesis. Hence the triplet contribution, although sub-dominant, plays crucial role in providing a common source for non-zero θ 13 , δ and CP-violation required for leptogenesis. We find that the recent hint for δ close to 3π/2 is somewhat favored in this set-up though it excludes the exact equality with 3π/2. We also discuss the generation of lepton asymmetry in this scenario.