In this work, we study the three-dimensional non-Abelian noncommutative supersymmetric Chern-Simons model with the U (N ) gauge group. Using a superfield formulation, we prove that, for the pure gauge theory, the Green functions are one-loop finite in any gauge, if the gauge superpotential belongs to the fundamental representation of u(N ); this result also holds when matter in the fundamental representation is included. However, the cancellation of both ultraviolet and ultraviolet/infrared infrared divergences only happens in a special gauge if the coupling of the matter is in the adjoint representation. We also look into the finite one-loop quantum corrections to the effective action: in the pure gauge sector the Maxwell together with its corresponding gauge fixing action are generated; in the matter sector, the Chern-Simons term is generated, inducing a shift in the classical Chern-Simons coefficient. * Electronic address: alysson,mgomes, † Electronic address: