We characterize the spectrum (and its parts) of operators which can be represented as G = A + BC for a simpler operator A and a structured perturbation BC. The interest in this kind of perturbations is motivated, e.g., by perturbations of the domain of an operator A but also arises in the theory of closed-loop systems in control theory. In many cases our results yield the spectral values of G as zeros of a characteristic equation .where the sum is initially taken in Z −1 . This setting is summarized in Diagram 1. For the main cases tting into this setup see Sections 34 and Remark A.5.(ii).
If we dene the operatorthen we can consider A BC as a perturbation of A, where Assumption 1.1.(iii) limits the unboundedness of the structured perturbation P := BC ∈ L(Z, Z −1 ). Now Lemma A.7.(vi)(vii) gives the following result. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classication. 47A10, 47A55.