The literature on the protection imparted by conventional whole-cell pertussis vaccines wasreviewed, and the extentto whichthe greatvariationin estimates of vaccine efficacy is attributableto methodologic problems in studydesign and analysis or to biologic features of the natural historyof pertussis wasexplored. The protection againstdisease imparted bypertussis vaccines maybe greaterthan that againstinfection. Estimates of vaccineefficacy from case-control studiesare higherthan those from studies of household secondary-attack rates; likewise, estimates of efficacy arehigherwhenbasedon clinically severe or bacteriologically positive cases rather than simply on notified cases. Some of the reported differences in protection by different vaccines may be attributable to relations between the antigenic composition of the vaccine used and that of the circulating strain of Bordetella pertussis. Failure to consider age trends has sometimes led to spuriouslyhighestimates of efficacy. Manybiases can affectefficacy studies, and it is usually difficult to assess whether the net effect has been to underestimate or to overestimate "true" efficacy. The immunity imparted by conventional pertussis vaccines may be neither as solidnor as stableas that impartedbymanylive-virus vaccines. Theseissues must be considered during the evaluation of acellular pertussis vaccines.