This chapter looks at the comparison between higher education systems in South Africa and Nigeria. Within the comparison, it can be seen that South Africa, due to of its significant investment in higher education, has garnered significant impact in the region. It has two universities, University of Cape Town (136) and the University of Witwatersrand (194), in the global top two hundred universities in the world. On the other hand, Nigerian universities have not performed well in these global rankings. Some of the challenges that have bedeviled the Nigerian Higher Education system can be attributed to limited funding, infrastructure decay, outdated textbooks, obsolete equipment, and poor remunerations for lecturers which have in turn led to the brain drain in the higher education system as staff leave in droves seeking greener pastures and students also looking elsewhere for quality education. On the other hand, the situation in South Africa shows that as the universities are now much more focused on rankings, higher education has become heavily commodified, making higher education much more expensive alienating poor families, as this type of education is out of their reach.