Gender stereotypes are sociologically one of the bases of differentiation from diversity. Thus it retracts in the stereotypes about the current Digital Society, the handling and technological development, and those stereotypes that are forged from the perception that is possessed in relation to the use of the technology, in function of the gender. Authors such as [23] maintain that with the beginning of the network it was thought that social and gender inequalities could cease to have a presence in virtual life, through the idea of control over oneself and one's virtual life, and the possibility of detaching oneself from conditions such as gender, ethnicity or race. However, the current reality on the Internet continues to show clear differences in relation to gender. As [18] indicate, the problem of the digital gender gap is a phenomenon that continues to exist, women and men are on the Internet, but not in the same way, or with the same visibility, or with the same aims.Concern about students' perceptions of gender stereotypes towards Internet use is turned into studies. This is the case of the recent research carried out by [4], where a study was carried out on the access, experience, frequency and use made of both computers and the Internet by young people in Galicia (Spain). The results revealed that there are clear gender differences in the ABSTRACT The existence of gender stereotypes in relation to the use of the Internet led to the need to carry out the present study, which approaches young people perception of the use of the Internet and technologies. Based on knowledge of the existence of gender P O S T