CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: A search in the SciELO and PubMed databases showed few studies on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals in long-term care institutions (LTCIs), thus prompting the present study. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether there were any HIV-positive individuals in LTCIs for the elderly. total lymphocyte count/6 and total lymphocyte count x 0.8 x 0.2 or 0.3. RESULTS: Four men were HIV-positive, with mean age 71.2 ± 8.6 years, LTCI stay 74.2 ± 38.1 months and length of HIV diagnosis 24.5 ± 17 months (confirmed by HICC standard screening). Three had stroke sequelae; one, dementia syndrome; two, seropositivity for syphilis; two, hepatitis B and one, hepatitis C. The main drugs used were lamivudine, zidovudine, lopinavir, ritonavir, levothyroxine, omeprazole, ranitidine, lactulose and risperidone. The estimated CD4 count was 341 ± 237/mm 3 . CONCLUSIONS: HIV-positive individuals are present in LTCIs, diagnosable through serological screening and treatable with antiretroviral drugs. linfócitos CD4 baseada em: número total de linfócitos/6 e número total de linfócitos x 0,8 x 0,2 ou 0,3. RESULTADOS: Quatro homens eram HIV-positivos. Eles tinham 71,2 ± 8,6 anos de idade; 74,2 ± 38,1 meses na ILPI e 24,5 ± 17 meses de soropositividade (diagnósticos realizados como triagem padrão da CCIH). Havia sequelas de acidente vascular cerebral em 3 e síndrome demencial em 1; sorologias positivas para sífilis em 2, vírus hepatite B em 2 e C em 1. Os principais fármacos utilizados eram: lamivudina, zidovudina, lopinavir, ritonavir, levotiroxina, omeprazol, ranitidina, lactulona e risperidona. O CD4 foi estimado em 341 ± 237/mm 3