Optimization and application of the PTV injector for the analysis of pesticide residuesThe applicability of PTV splitless and solvent vent injection to the gas chromatographic analysis of 26 pesticides representing different chemical classes was evaluated. All parameters related to optimum injector performance in PTV splitless and PTV solvent vent (split vent) injection modes were tested. For PTV splitless injection of small sample volumes (1 lL), the inlet temperature program (initial inlet temperature, heating rate, final temperature), splitless time, and starting oven temperature were optimized. Parameters identified as optimal were then applied in PTV solvent vent injection. In the case of the PTV solvent vent technique, all injections were performed with pesticides dissolved in a binary mixture of cyclohexane-ethyl acetate (1 : 1, v/v). This solvent is used as a mobile phase in the HPGPC clean-up step involved in our multiresidue method. For the PTV solvent vent technique the following parameters were tested: maximum single injection volume, inlet temperature, vent flow, vent time, and vent period were determined for a single injection of 10 lL of sample. Thermodegradation and/or adsorption of some pesticides occurred as long as glass wool packed liner was used. To achieve lower detection limits, multiple injection concept was employed: 30 lL of standard solution were injected in three subsequent steps. Under optimized conditions even higher sample volumes could be injected. Good responses were obtained also for the compounds possessing relatively higher volatility compared to other tested analytes.