Inaccuracy in MR image-based attenuation correction (MR-AC) leads to errors in quantification and the misinterpretation of lesions in brain PET/MRI studies. To resolve this problem, we proposed an improved ultrashort echo time MR-AC method that was based on a multiphase level-set algorithm with main magnetic field (B 0 ) inhomogeneity correction. We also assessed the feasibility of this levelset-based MR-AC method (MR-AC level ), compared with CT-AC and MR-AC provided by the manufacturer of the PET/MRI scanner (MR-AC mMR ). Methods: Ten healthy volunteers and 20 Parkinson disease patients underwent 18 F-FDG and 18 F-fluorinated-N-3-fluoropropyl-2-β-carboxymethoxy-3-β-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane ( 18 F-FP-CIT) PET scans, respectively, using both PET/MRI and PET/CT scanners. The level-set-based segmentation algorithm automatically delimited air, bone, and soft tissue from the ultrashort echo time MR images. For the comparison, MR-AC maps were coregistered to reference CT. PET sinogram data obtained from PET/CT studies were then reconstructed using the CT-AC, MR-AC mMR , and MR-AC level maps. The accuracies of SUV, SUVr (SUV and its ratio to the cerebellum), and specific-to-nonspecific binding ratios obtained using MR-AC level and MR-AC mMR were compared with CT-AC using region-ofinterest-and voxel-based analyses. Results: There was remarkable improvement in the segmentation of air cavities and bones and the quantitative accuracy of PET measurement using the level set. Although the striatal and cerebellar activities in 18 F-FP-CIT PET and frontal activity in 18 F-FDG PET were significantly underestimated by the MR-AC mMR , the MR-AC level provided PET images almost equivalent to the CT-AC images. PET quantification error was reduced by a factor of 3 using MR-AC level ( The development of tomographic imaging technologies has made dramatic progress in recent decades. Among the modern medical imaging systems, PET and MRI have greatly contributed to understanding normal and abnormal brain functions and evaluating various neurologic disorders (1-4). Although PET is the most sensitive medical imaging device, providing both functional and biochemical information, it has limited spatial resolution, signalto-noise ratio, and anatomic information. Conversely, MRI offers detailed anatomic information about the brain along with excellent soft-tissue contrast and various types of hemodynamic information (i.e., perfusion and diffusion). Accordingly, the combination of PET and MRI can provide a 1-stop shop for clinical examination and new methodology for exploring the brain with multiparametric and complementary imaging information (5,6).In addition, fully integrated PET/MRI scanners based on semiconductor photosensors, such as avalanche photodiodes and silicon photomultipliers, allow the simultaneous acquisition of both image datasets, which possess several distinct advantages over the sequential scan in conventional PET/CT examinations (7-11). Accurate spatiotemporal correlation of PET/MRI signals permits the studies to demonstrat...