In this paper we study universal quadratic polynomials which arise as sums of polygonal numbers. Specifically, we determine an asymptotic upper bound (as a function of m) on the size of the set Sm ⊂ N such that if a sum of m-gonal numbers represents Sm, then it represents N. 1 triangular number and vice versa, we conclude for the m = 6 case that γ 6 = γ 3 = 8. The m = 8 case has been resolved by Ju and Oh [15], who proved that γ 8 = 60. Having established a number of individual cases, it is then natural to ask about the growth of γ m as a function of m. Theorem 1.1. (1) For m ≥ 3 and every ε > 0, there exists an absolute (effective) constant C ε such that γ m ≤ C ε m 7+ε . (2) There is no uniform upper bound which holds for all m. Specifically, if m ≥ 6, then γ m ≥ m − 4 and for every element ℓ ∈ N there exists a sum of generalized polygonal numbers which represents every nonnegative integer except for ℓ.Remark. Theorem 1.1 (2) is due to Guy [12] and is by explicit construction for the form with a j = 1, but we include it here for comparison with the upper bound obtained in Theorem 1.1 (1).