The Neoproterozoic Dokhan volcanics of the Fatira area in eastern Egypt comprise two main rock suites: (a) an intermediate volcanic suite, consisting of basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, and their associated pyroclastic rocks; and (b) a felsic volcanic suite composed of rhyolite and rhyolitic tuffs. The two suites display well-defined major and trace element trends and a continuum in composition with wide ranges in SiO 2 (54-76%), CaO (8.19-0.14%), MgO (6.96-0.04%), Sr (983-7 ppm), Zr (328-95 ppm), Cr (297-1 ppm), and Ni (72-1 ppm). They are enriched in LILEs (Rb, Ba, K, Th, Ce) relative to high field strength elements (Nb, Zr, P, Ti) and show strong affinity to calc-alkaline subduction-related rocks. However, their undeformed character, their emplacement temporally and spatially with post-orogenic A-type granite, and their high Zr/Y values suggest that their emplacement follow the cessation of subduction in eastern Egypt in an extensionalrelated within-plate setting. Major and trace element variations in the intermediate volcanics are consistent with their formation via partial melting of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source followed by a limited low-pressure fractional crystallization of olivine and pyroxene before emplacement. The LILE enrichment relative to HFSE is attributed to the inheritance of a subduction component from mantle material which constituted the mantle wedge during previous subduction events in eastern Egypt. The evolution of the whole volcanic spectrum was governed mainly by crystal/melt fractionation of amphibole, plagioclase, titanomagnetite, and apatite in the intermediate varieties and plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, Fe-Ti oxides, apatite, and zircon in the felsic varieties. At each stage of evolution, crystal fractionation was accompanied by variable degrees of crustal contamination.