“…The early LMO cumulate component of the Mg-suite source material likely represents dunitic cumulates from the lower cumulate pile that have an Mg * [(molar Mg/[Mg + Fe]) Ã 100] greater than the bulk Moon (bulk Moon Mg * is likely 84-90; i.e. Warren, 2005;Longhi, 2006;Taylor et al, 2006), whereas the late-stage components represent crustal anorthosite and KREEP assimilation (Warren and Wasson, 1979;Warren, 1986Warren, , 1988Papike et al, 1994;Shervais and McGee, 1998;Shearer and Papike, 2005;Elardo et al, 2011). The relationship among Mg-suite samples can be reconstructed through the fractional crystallization sequence dunite !…”