MINERALOGICAL and physical characteristics of natural chromites from Oman ophiolites have been recently investigated using M6ssbauer spectrocopy (MS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by Al-Alawi et al. (1996). From the MS analysis together with the SEM data, they derived the chemical formula for specimens collected from two separate chromite deposits named Tawiyah (15 km NNW of Nakhal) and Khobar (on the Luzugh-Semail road) and proposed respectively as follows: F2+ ,, 2+ ~ 3+ ~ 3+ --,3+ ~2-eo.291Vlgo.71 l"eo. 12Lro.99Ptlo.s9U4 and F2+ r~,~ 2+ ~ 3+ c, 3+ A13+ r',.2-eo. 141vlgo.8ol~ eo.o9~r 1.o3 ,~10.93v4Furthermore, their MS data reveal that the ferrous/ferric ratio remains constant at different temperatures which suggests an ordered distribution of the cations. The aims of this work are to characterize further the specimens of natural chromite from Tawiyah and Khobar and to investigate their magnetic properties taking into account the results of the earlier study.First, the raw powdered samples were sieved to eliminate the fine fraction and retain grains with size larger than 335 mm. Then they were passed through a magnetic separator in order to remove the gangue from the pure chromite. Finally, they were examined under the binocular microscope up to 100x magnification showing the dark chromite grains and the remaining clear gangue grains. This separation process was repeated as often as necessary until no observable impurities remained. The X-ray measurements revealed that some traces of Ti and Mn (< 0.01%) were present but have been neglected in establishing the chemical formulae.The magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed using a Faraday analytical microbalance of 1 I~g precision. An electromagnet with specially shaped poles for constant field gradient, produced field strengths of 4, 5 and 6 kOe. The magnet was calibrated with Mohr's salt having a susceptibility of 32.32 x 10 -6 emu g-1 at 20~ During the experiment, the sample was contained in a quartz bucket having a temperature independent diamagnetism over a wide range which could be substracted from the measured magnetic force. An Oxford liquid nitrogen cryostat provided with a heater enabled scanning the temperatures between 77 and 500 K.The data of the mass magnetic susceptibility ~m inverse versus temperature T are shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen, the Khobar specimen data are magnetic field dependent especially in the middle range, most probably because of some remaining magnetic impurities. In order to extract the purely paramagnetic contribution, we then had to extrapolate to infinite field (1/H~0) as shown in the figure. The Tawiyah specimen data are field independent. The order of magnitudes of ~m confirms well the paramagnetism detected by the MS spectra of AIAlawi et al. (1996) for both specimens down to 77 K.However, it is difficult to determine the magnetic transition temperature by extrapolation since our lowest point is certainly above the known measured N6el temperature of 75 K (Murad and Johns...