Revista Brasileira de GeociênciasRonaldo Mello Pereira et al. 37(2):257-267, junho de 2007 Arquivo digital disponível on-line no site
257Plúton Desemborque: exemplo de corpo a metais raros (Nb, Zr, Hf) entre 0,0% e 0,3%. As principais inclusões minerais são de: columbita, magnetita, ilmenita, wolframita, ilmenorutilo, zircão hafnífero e ítriocolumbita. Preliminarmente, o Plúton Desemborque se aproximaria do modelo dos granitos peralcalinos mineralizados a metais raros com tendência a formar depósitos ou ocorrências de Nb e ETR. Os empecilhos para essa classificação seriam as ausências de quimismo peralcalino apresentado pelo corpo e dos típicos minerais de Y (xenotímio) e terras raras (monazita) associadas ao granito. Estes minerais (xenotímio, ítriocolumbita, monazita e bastnäsita) somente ocorrem inclusos nos cristais de cassiterita e de zircão.
Palavras-chave:Plúton Desemborque, granito com metais raros, columbita, zircão hafnífero, cassiterita.Abstract Plúton Desemborque: exemple of a rare metal (Nb, Zr, Hf)
and tin body in São PauloState. The Desemborque pluton shows a biotite sienogranite composition and crops out in the southernmost part of the São Paulo State, in an area of ca. 50 km 2 . It has a circular shape and is probably correlated to the Neoproterozoic III orogenic event. High SiO 2 , K 2 O, Na 2 O and trace elements (Nb and Y) values, low CaO contents and high Fe/Mg ratios point to the alkalic afinity of this singular A-type body. High Zr and Y concentrations are associated with the occurrence of important accessory minerals like zircon, allanite, columbite and possibly xenotime. The Desemborque pluton accessory phases (columbite, cassiterite and hafnian zircon) were analyzed by SEM-EDS. The columbite Nb 2 O 5 and Ta 2 O 5 contents range from 75.4 to 58.9 wt% and 2.1 to 13.7 wt%, respectively. This mineral presents mica (biotite?) as solid inclusion phase. The hafnian zircon HfO 2 values vary from 12.6% to 15.6 wt% (~ 15 mol. %) HfSiO 4 . Thorite, uraninite, magnetite, quartz, mica, tremolite, monazite, xenotime and bastnäsite (?) were found as exsolutions and inclusions into the hafnian zircon. Zircon inclusions hosted in cassiterite crystals present the highest HfO 2 values of 21.7 wt%. The analyzed cassiterite grain shows 98.32% to 99.46 wt% SnO 2 , 0.40% to 0.60 wt% Ta 2 O 5 and 0.0% -0.30 wt% Nb 2 O 5 and columbite, magnetite, ilmenite, wolframite, ilmenorutile, hafnian zircon and ytrio-columbite were the solid inclusions detected in this mineral. The Desemborque pluton resembles rare metals peralkaline granites mineralized in Nb and REE. Meanwhile, Y and REE enriched minerals, as xenotime and monazite, were not ostensively found in the focused granite.