Stong Mount is located within the rock unit known as Stong Complex. The Stong Complex consists of three suite rock units whiz the Berangkat Suite, Kenerong Suite and Noring Suite. The Berangkat Suite can be divide into three litodemics unit called as Sungai Lah Granite, Bertam Granodiorite and Dabong Tonalite, whereas the Kenerong Suite consists of Stong Leucogranite and Sg Kenerong Migmatite. For Noring Suite, it was divided into Sungai Long Granite, Sungai Suda Granite and Sungai Terang Microgranite.In addition, the country rock was also covered by metasedimentary rock and roof pendant as a result from plutonic intrusion. Naming in the field and petrographic study show that the igneous rocks can be classified into 10 types such as monzonite to quartz monzonite, hornblend granite and biotite granite with phorpyritic texture and isogranular biotite granite to microgranite, granodiorite and tonalite. Futhermore, there was an occurrences of metamorphosed interbedded sedimentary rocks forming a biotite muscovite schist, hornblend schist and garnet schist. The variety of rock type is unique and can be establish as geoheritage sources to nominate Stong Complex as Kelantan Geopark.