Cuddapah basin is an important uranium province, wherein unconformity related uranium deposit occur in Srisailam sub-basin in northern part and the dolostone hosted strata bound uranium deposit in Vempalle dolostone in southern part. The latter host the low-grade, large-tonnage uranium deposit. Vempalle Formation in Dhone-Gudipadu-Korivipalle (DGK) sector, along western part of the Papaghni sub-basin consists of three major units viz. (a) lower dolostone, (b) middle purple shale and (c) upper cherty dolostone. The lower dolostone has lot of detritus, represented mainly by quartz, feldspar, mica and clay. The upper cherty dolostone has chert as layers, nodules, rip-up clasts and at places do have conspicuous reddish brown shale bands with <2mm size siliceous oolite layers. They exhibit shallowing-upward carbonate depositional system with tidal flat environment. A number of uranium occurrences in Gudipadu-Korivipalle sector are hosted by the lower dolostone unit, especially at its lower stratigraphic level, i.e. 15-42m above the Gulcheru-Vempalle (GV) contact. Micro-stylolites are indicative of comparatively more burial pressure. Presence of fenestral voids filled with recrystallised fibrous calcite and thin mud drapes in the dolostone is indicative of precipitation in a shallow marine-tidal flat environment with late burial dolomitisation. Depletion of heavier C and O isotopes [13C: (-2.31 to 1.32%) and 18O: (-6.21 to -17.3%)] in the lower dolostone indicate mixing of fresh water with sea water in the depositional environment of tidal flat regime