“…Sub se quently, the stud ies of Dziedzic (1960Dziedzic ( , 1968Dziedzic ( , 1971, Grocholski (1960Grocholski ( , 1963Grocholski ( , 1974, Grocholski and Augustyniak (1971), Teisseyre (1968Teisseyre ( , 1975, Nemec et al (1982), Nemec (1984), Mastalerz and Porêbski (1987), Mastalerz (1987Mastalerz ( , 1995, Dziedzic and Teisseyre (1990), Bossowski et al (1995) and Mastalerz and Prouza (1995) al lowed better geo log i cal rec og ni tion of these units, in clud ing in fer ences of sed i men tary en vi ron ment. Coal seams in the Wa³brzych For ma tion have also been stud ied petro log i cally (Mastalerz, 1992;Nowak, 2000;Uglik and Nowak, 2015). The Wa³brzych area re mains of geo log i cal in ter est and our pres ent stud ies show that use ful new in for ma tion may be ob tained, to change the in ter pre ta tion of var i ous as pects of the rocks stud ied.…”