To describe non-equilibrium transport processes in a quantum device with infinite baths, we propose to formulate the problems as a reduced-order problem. Starting with the Liouville-von Neumann equation for the density-matrix, the reduced-order technique yields a finite system with open boundary conditions. We show that with appropriate choices of subspaces, the reduced model can be obtained systematically from the Petrov-Galerkin projection. The self-energy associated with the bath emerges naturally. The results from the numerical experiments indicate that the reduced models are able to capture both the transient and steady states.(ii) the surrounding areas from contacting materials. Notable examples include quantum dots, quantum wires, and molecule-lead conjunctions. The junctions play an essential role in determining the functionality and properties of the entire device and structure, such as photovoltaic cells, 8,9 intramolecular vibrational relaxation, 10-13 infrared chromophore spectroscopy, and photochemistry. [14][15][16][17] At such a small spatial and temporal scale, modeling the transport properties and processes demands a quantum theory that directly targets the electronic structures.Such problems have been traditionally treated with the Landauer-Büttiker formalism, [18][19][20] which aims at computing the steady-state of a system interacting with two or more macroscopic electrodes, and the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) approach, which, often based on the tight-binding (TB) representation, can naturally incorporate the external potential and predict the steady-state current. 21 This approach was later extended to the first-principle level 22-24 using the density-functional theory (DFT). 25,26 Due to the dynamic nature and the involvement of electron excitations, one natural computational framework for transport problems is the time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), 27-31 which extends the DFT to model electron dynamics. This effort was initiated by Stefanucci and Almbladh,29,32 and Kurth et al.,27 where the wave functions are projected into the center and bath regions. An algorithm was developed to propagate the wave functions confined to the center region so that the influence from the bath is taken into account. This is later treated by using the complex absorbing potential (CAP) method 33 by Varga. 34 One computational challenge from this framework is the computation of the initial eigenstates. Kurth et al. 27 addressed this issue by diagonalizing the Green's function.However, the normalization is still nontrivial, since the wave functions also have components in the bath regions. Another issue is that the CAP method is usually developed for constant external potentials. For time-dependent scalar potentials, a gauge transformation is usually needed to express the absorbing boundary condition, 35 and it is not yet clear how this can be implemented within CAP.