PhD courses aim to improve PhD candidates’ research skills and, by that, to support their development process during their PhD studies. To investigate this objective, former PhD candidates ( N = 88, 51 % female, response rate 49 %), who participated in international PhD-courses in Sport and Exercise Psychology, were asked to complete an online survey to evaluate course elements of international PhD-courses hosted at Copenhagen and Leipzig University between 2009 and 2018. Networking opportunities, intercultural skill development, communicating in English, and acquisition of knowledge about Sport and Exercise Psychology-specific topics are reported as the most valuable aspects of international PhD-courses. Additionally, participants evaluated PhD-project presentations, workshops focusing on academic skills (e. g., publishing) and opportunities for social interaction as most profitable. Independent of participants’ PhD-phase, the majority of students reported sustainable benefits from their participation (e. g., co-publications). Academic funding (e. g., scholarships) seems to be an important factor for course participation. Recommendations for the implementation of international PhD-courses in Sport and Exercise Psychology include creating networking opportunities, offering workshops on academic skills, allowing time for informal interactions, and focusing on inclusion of PhD candidates from across the globe.