NMR offers many possibilitiesi nc hemical analysis, structurali nvestigations, and medical diagnostics. Although it is broadly used, one of NMR spectroscopies main drawbacks is low sensitivity.H yperpolarization techniques enhanceN MR signals by more than four orders of magnitude allowing the design of new contrast agents. Parahydrogen induced polarization that utilizes the parahydrogen's singlet state to create enhanced signals is of particular interests ince it allows to producem olecular imagingagentswithin seconds. Herein,wepresent astrategy for signal enhancement of the carbonyl 13 Ci na mino acids by using parahydrogen,a sd emonstratedf or glycine and alanine. Importantly,t he hyperpolarizations tep is carried out in water and chemically unmodifiedc anonical amino acids are obtained. Our approach thus offers ah igh degree of biocompatibility,w hich is crucial for furthera pplication. The rapid sample hyperpolarization (withins econds) may enable the continuous productiono fb iologically useful probes, such as metabolic contrast agents or probes for structuralbiology.[e] Prof. Dr.M.U tz SchoolofC hemistry,University of Southampton SouthamptonS O171BJ (UK)Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.