Colorectal cancer is one of the commonest malignancies in the "developed" world. The liver constitutes the main host organ for its distant metastases which, when present, augur a bad prognosis for the disease. Kupffer cells (KCs) are macrophages that constantly reside within the liver and form an effective first line defence against multiple harmful agents which reach the hepatic sinusoids via the portal circulation. KCs remove chemical compounds and dead or damaged cells, eliminate bacteria and protect against invading tumour cells. They may play a crucial tumouricidal role, exerting cytotoxic and cytostatic functions through the release of multiple cytokines and chemokines. Subsequently, colorectal metastasising cells are destroyed either by KC-performed phagocytosis or via the stimulation of other immune cells which migrate into the sinusoids and act accordingly. On the contrary, KC products, including cytokines, growth factors and matrix-degrading enzymes may promote liver metastasis, supporting tumour cell extravasation, motility and invasion. Current research aims to exploit the antineoplastic properties of KCs in new therapeutic approaches of colorectal cancer liver metastasis. Numerous agents, such as the granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor, interferon gamma, muramyl peptide analogues and various antibody based treatments, have been tested in experimental models with promising results. Future trials may investigate their use in everyday clinical practice and compare their therapeutic value with current treatment of the disease.