Availability of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) has facilitated use to enhance red blood cell production, and therefore aerobic performance, in human and equine athletes. Recombinant human EPO promotes growth and differentiation of equine erythroid precursor cells, but in some horses repeat administration induces immune interference with endogenous EPO resulting in fatal anemia. Although blood reticulocyte parameters acquire unique changes in humans treated with EPO, with manual enumeration methods, horses were not considered to release reticulocytes from the bone marrow into circulation, even under severe erythropoietic stress. The goals of this study were to determine whether reticulocytes could be detected and characterized in horses that are anemic or have been treated with EPO using a modern hematology analyzer. Anemia was induced in six horses by removal of 30 ml of blood/kg of body wt over 24 h. After 28 days, the horses were treated twice with 55 U/kg of EPO (Eprex), and after 65 days they were treated thrice with 73 U/kg of EPO. Blood samples were analyzed with the ADVIA120 instrument every 3-5 days and bone marrow samples 7 days after anemia and EPO treatments. Analysis of blood reticulocyte parameters by ANOVA in a randomized complete block design determined that anemia and EPO induced significant (P < or = 0.05) increases in red cell distribution width and reticulocyte mean cell volume. Parameters changed only after EPO treatment were cellular hemoglobin concentration mean, mean cell volume, reticulocyte concentration, proportion of macrocytic reticulocytes, and reticulocyte cellular hemoglobin. These findings indicate that horses under erythropoietic stress and after EPO treatment release reticulocytes with unique characteristics into circulation.