The pharmacokinetics of cefprozil were determined with 12 volunteers (8 received cefprozil and 4 received a placebo) after oral administration of 500 mg every 12 h over an 8-day period in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. Concentrations in serum and urine were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography and bioassay. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated on the basis of an open one-compartment model. The mean maximum concentration in serum on day 1 was 11.5 ± 2.6 mg/liter, and the time to reach maximum concentration was 122.3 ± 30 min after administration. Bioavailability parameters (area under the concentration-time curve from zero to infinity, maximum concentration of the drug in serum, and urinary recovery) indicated an excellent absorption. No accumulation over the 8-day period was registered. Cefprozil had a short biological elimination half-life of 58 ± 10 min and a renal clearance of 210 ± 51 ml/min, indicating high rates of renal excretion and tubular secretion. Analysis of the fecal flora showed an ecological impact of cefprozil on the intestinal microflora, such as a moderate decrease in enterobacteria and a slight increase in enterococci, staphylococci, and bacteroides during the study. The number of all bacterial species was already normalized 4 days after the administration period. The tolerance of cefprozil proved to be excellent; only a slight and reversible increase of liver enzymes (in two volunteers), mild cephalalgia, tiredness, and soft stool were registered during the 8-day period. Cefprozil had excellent absorption, no accumulation over an 8-day period, and only a limited impact on the intestinal microflora.Cefprozil (BMY-28100) is a new oral cephalosporin antibiotic with improved antimicrobial activity and efficacy against a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens (6,8,15,20,37). The objectives of our trial were to determine the pharmacokinetic properties of cefprozil after single and multiple dosing, to determine the effect on the intestinal flora in volunteers, and to assess the tolerance of cefprozil over an 8-day application period.(Part of this paper was presented previously [28a].)
MATERIALS AND METHODSStudy design. The study was based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple-dose design. The protocol was approved by the local ethics committee.Volunteers. Twelve healthy test subjects (six females and six males) participated in the study. Eight of them received cefprozil, and four (two females and two males) took placebos. Mean (+ standard deviation) age (24 ± 2 years), body weight (65 ± 9 kg), body surface (1.78 m2 + 0.18), and creatinine clearance (108 + 23 ml/min/1.73 m2) showed no differences between placebo-and antibiotic-treated volunteers. The volunteers were healthy according to medical histories, physical examinations, hematologic tests, clinical chemistries, and urinalyses. These parameters were examined several times before, during, and after the study and showed no pathological alterations. All subjec...