“…We are convinced that knowledge on this subject is vital to professionally educate patients with the aim to improve their compliance and increase the effectiveness of PPI therapy. -should be taken 60 min before a meal [40] -should be placed on the tongue to disintegrate and swallowed, with or without water [40] DR capsules ↓ AUC (by 35-38%) [34], ↓ C max (by 24-40% and 58-63%, depending on the study) [36,38], ↑ t max (by 2 h) [36] -should be taken 60 min before a meal [33] -should be swallowed whole or with content mixed with 15 mL of applesauce [33] DR granules for oral suspension no studies found -should be taken 60 min before a meal [33] -should be mixed with 5-15 mL of water [33] DR tablets no significant changes in AUC and C max , ↑ t max (by 1.3 h) [41] -can be taken with or without food [41] -should be swallowed whole with water [41] -can be taken with or without food [56,59] -should be swallowed whole with water [56,59] -preferably should be administered in the morning [61] DR granules for oral suspension ↓ AUC (by 29%), ↓ C max (by 51%), ↑ t max (by 2 h) [56] -should be taken 30 min before a meal [56] -content should be sprinkled into 5 mL of applesauce/apple juice [56,62] -do not mix with water or other liquids or food [56] Rabeprazole DR capsules ↓ AUC (by 27%), ↓ C max (by 55%), ↑ t max (by 2 h) [65] -should be taken 30 min before a meal [63] -content should be sprinkled onto a small amount of applesauce/apple juice/yoghurt/fruit or vegetable-based baby food/infant formula/pediatric electrolyte solution [63,65] -can be administered both in the morning or in the evening [67] -evening intake can be beneficial for patients with nocturnal acid breakthrough or nocturnal reflux [66] DR tablets no significant changes in AUC and C max , ↑ t max (by 2.5 h) [42] no significant changes in median intragastric pH [23,24] -can be taken with or with...…”