Traditional medicine plants were used both externally and internally to treat joint pain. The positive effect of herbal medicines in correcting the pathophysiology of arthritis has led to a significant increase in their use as a treatment for this disease. Study of joint pain diseases from reference books of traditional medicine and extraction of traditional medicinal plants for the treatment of joint pain and their nature from the books of the medicine tank and Abadan calendar and identifying their definite scientific names from books by comparative description and matching of scientific statistics statistics and charts from the nature of plants that were useful for joint pain were done with related software. Introduction of various joint diseases in traditional medicine and folk, royal and dervish treatment methods, as well as the introduction of medicinal plants with effective medicinal properties in the treatment of joint pain diseases were presented. Comparison of the family of medicinal plants useful for the treatment of joint pain in the medicine tank and Abadan calendar showed that the family Asteraceae (sunflower) with 38%, Liliaceae (tulip) with 29% and Apiaceae with 21% have the most medicinal plants in the world.