Effort and the feeling of effort play important roles in many theoretical discussions, from perception to self-control and free will, from the nature of ownership to the nature of desert and achievement. A crucial, overlooked distinction within the philosophical and scientific literatures is the distinction between theories that seek to explain effort and theories that seek to explain the feeling of effort. Lacking a clear distinction between these two phenomena makes the literature hard to navigate. To advance in the unification and development of this area, this article provides an overview of the main theories of the nature of effort and the nature of the feeling of effort, and then discusses how efforts and their feelings are related. Two key takeaways emerge. First, there is widespread agreement that efforts are goal-directed actions. Second, one of the main philosophical issues to be decided is whether feelings of effort should be defined by reference to efforts (effortfirst approach), or whether efforts are defined by reference to the feeling of effort (feeling-first approach).Research on effort is as abundant as it is scattered. First, literatures on different kinds of efforts remain largely isolated from one another; for instance, works on cognitive efforts, on the one hand, and on physical efforts on the other, rarely overlap. Second, efforts cut across many research areas (psychology, exercise sciences, economics, philosophy…) which pursue different goals and are based on different conceptual frameworks and terminologies. Efforts are sometimes approached in decision-theoretic terms, in mechanistic terms, in cognitive terms, in physiological terms, etc. This renders interdisciplinary integration of research on effort challenging. Third, integration of research on effort is hampered by the multiplicity of definitions of the term, which often remain tacit or inchoate. Few attempts have been made so far at mapping existing definitions (Massin, 2017;Steele, 2020;von Kriegstein, 2017). Fourth, the question of the relation between efforts and their feelings is