The aim of this study was to review scientifi c publications about Attention Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) psychoeducation. A systematic review of literature was performed in eight national and international databases (Scielo Brazil, Index Psi, Pepsic, Lilacs, ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, Medline, and Scopus) using the combination of ADHD and psychoeducation as keywords. In total, 504 studies were found, although only 29 met the inclusion criteria. Afterwards, the information was organized into categories: the concept of psychoeducation, target population, focus of ADHD psychoeducation, variables related to ADHD psychoeducation, and the characteristics of intervention on ADHD psychoeducation. Results show that not all studies present the concept of psychoeducation adopted by the authors. In general, psychoeducation has focused on the relatives of people with ADHD and carried out as group sessions, lectures, and manuals. ADHD psychoeducation contributes to a better understanding of the disorder, treatment adherence, quality of life, and decreased symptoms of ADHD.Keywords: Attention defi cit disorder with hyperactivity, psychoeducation, literature review.
Psicoeducação do Transtorno do Défi cit de Atenção/Hiperatividade: O Que, Como e Para Quem Informar?Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as publicações científi cas sobre psicoeducação do Transtorno do Défi cit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH). Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura em oito bases de dados nacionais e internacionais. Utilizou-se a combinação das palavras-chave TDAH e psicoeducação. No total, foram encontrados 504 trabalhos completos, mas apenas 29 preencheram os critérios de inclusão para análise na íntegra. As informações foram organizadas nas categorias: conceito de psicoeducação, público-alvo, foco da psicoeducação do TDAH, variáveis relacionadas à psicoeducação do TDAH, e características das intervenções em psicoeducação do TDAH. Verifi cou-se que nem todas as