Hemispatial neglect is a disorder of attention which commonly follows from damage to the right side of the brain. Patients with neglect show symptoms of lateralised inattention, failing to acknowledge or report information on the left side. Neglect is a poor prognostic indicator for general functional recovery from stroke, and is associated with a range of co-morbid conditions including denial or indifference to the brain injury, hemiplegia and visual field loss. Mild to moderate cases can be over-shadowed by the more gross symptoms that accompany brain injury, however assessment and diagnosis is relatively quick and simple.Current treatment guidelines suggest that patients should be taught compensatory strategies, but these are largely ineffective. Although recent research has identified more promising treatment approaches, investigations are still preliminary. Given the prevalence and debilitating nature of neglect, there is a clear need to raise awareness and understanding of the condition amongst carers and healthcare professionals.