Unani system of medicine, although originated in Greece, is one of the recognized systems of medicine in India. They are regarded as the safest medical systems. However, in the scientific world everything is rejected or accepted in the light of available clinical data only. Hence, to create pharmacovigilance, program for ASU drugs becomes essential for giving them credibility. Pharmacovigilance lays stress on safe and appropriate use of drugs. Spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is an essential component of pharmacovigilance. However this is significant under reporting of ADR'S. Adverse drug reactions have become a major problem in developing countries. Knowledge of pharmacovigilance could form the basis for interventions aimed at improving reporting rates and decreasing ADRs. To raise awareness among health care professionals about the pharmacovigilance of Unani drugs and to explore different ways of making it operationally better among health care professionals and encourage a culture of reporting regularly to the respective peripheral or higher centers. In order to achieve operational competence in the improvement of pharmacovigilance for Unani medicines and for the best practice model for Unani drugs, a systematic analysis of the areas to be focused upon and the challenges ahead, starting from proper nomenclature of Unani drugs, cultivation, procurement, drying, transportation, processing, labelling and dispensing was undertaken. All the crucial areas were identified and an understanding for the recognition and management of adverse reactions due to Unani drugs was developed. This paper gives brief concept of pharmacovigilance, and its birth.