The management of diabetes often includes significant changes in diet, exercise patterns, social activities, and medication-taking behavior. Many of these changes are a burden on patients and their families. The best approach to the management of a person with diabetes is an approach that empowers the patient. Pharmacists often are in the best position within the health care team to facilitate patient empowerment. A few pharmacists have taken advantage of this niche to open a variety of practices serving the needs of people with diabetes. At the Philadelphia, PA, Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC), a Pharmacy Diabetes Clinic was established with diabetes-related research as its primary goal. Educational and skill development services also are offered to patients. The same pharmacist involved in the Philadelphia VAMC Pharmacy Diabetes Clinic has recently begun the process of setting up an adjunct pharmacy service for people with diabetes within an existing community practice. Rough comparisons between these two practice settings are discussed, including the differences in available data, clinic objectives, and administrative aspects.