The European X-Ray Free Electron laser (XFEL) has successfully been operated for more than 5 years. The superconducting cavities and magnets being key components of the cryomodules constituting the XFEL linac and injector are operated at 2 K in a liquid helium bath. A four stages cold compressor system is used to return the vapor to the XFEL helium refrigerator with the capability of pumping up to 110 g/s for compensating static and dynamic heat losses at 2 K.
In this paper technical challenges with regard to the cold compressor system such as availability, 2K pressure stability and contamination of the 2K circuit are summarized. Influence of hydrostatic head on operation of all cooling circuits is analyzed. Issues related to the use of some kinds of instrumentation as pressure transmitters, flow meters and level sensors are discussed. The experiment regarding the future XFEL project as doubling of safety valves is described.