A new variation on the established procedure to evaluate three-phase structure invariants through quadrupole relationships is described. This method differs from earlier algebraic formulations in that the cosine-invariant estimates are based on a conditional observed frequency distribution of I EI magnitudes for the quadrupole, rather than on the values of the magnitudes themselves. Successful applications of this method to a number of structures that ranged in size from 84 to 317 independent non-hydrogen light atoms are given.
IntroductionThe three-phase crystallographic structure invariants play a central role in the determination of crystal structures by direct-phasing methods. Tangentformula methods for small-molecule determinations have traditionally relied on the 0 (modulo 27r) probability estimate for these 'triples' (Karle & Hauptman, 1956). Efforts to extend these techniques to larger structures have required more precise estimates to be obtained for these phase invariants, though use of algebraic formulae (Karle & Hauptman, 1957;Vaughan, 1958;Hauptman, 1964;Hauptman, Fisher, Hancock & Norton, 1969;Karle, 1970;Duax, Weeks & Hauptman, 1972;, determinantal joint probability distributions (Tsoucaris, 1970;Messager & Tsoucaris, 1972;Giacovazzo, 1976Giacovazzo, , 1977aKarle, 1979Karle, , 1980 or probabilistic formulae, as applied to isomorphous-replacement or anomalous-dispersion data (Hauptman, 1982;Giacovazzo, 1983;Fortier, Moore & Frazer, 1985) and to the extended neighborhoods or phasing shells of data that define higher-order relationships into which these triples have been suitably embedded (Hauptman, 1975;Giacovazzo, 1977b;Karle, 1982). This report describes a new method to estimate three-phase 0108-7673/93/030545-13 $06.00 invariants based on examination of the frequency distribution of ILl magnitudes that complete a family of conditionally constructed quadrupoles that are common to the evaluated triple.
BackgroundOne of the earliest strategies in direct-methods research was the development of formulae to evaluate crystal-structure phase invariants and semi-invariants as a means to determine crystal structures. This work was initiated about the same time that the rules for origin and enantiomorph specification and phaseextension techniques were being developed. Formulae to estimate the single-phase structure invariants had an immediate application; they provided a means to reduce the number of algebraic symbols that had to be permuted and tested for a selected starting group of phases. But algebraic formulae that were developed for the determination of the cosine values of the three-phase structure invariants, for example, for P1 symmetry (Karle & Hauptman, 1957),
~-N-'/2(IEhl 2 + IEkl 2 + [Ek_h] 2-2)-t-½ N3/2< (I E,I 2-1) (I E,-k] 2-1)(I E,-hl 2-1))i,however, did not have an immediate impact on phasing practices. Firstly, these formulae were computationally demanding; the average of a product of ILl 2-1 magnitudes had to be computed over a range of I that sampled the whole of reciprocal sp...