Reaction fronts evolving in a porous medium exhibit a rich dynamical behaviour. In presence of an adverse flow, experiments show that the front slows down and eventually gets pinned, displaying a particular sawtooth shape. Extensive numerical simulations of the hydrodynamic equations confirm the experimental observations. Here we propose a stylized model, predicting two possible outcomes of the experiments for large adverse flow: either the front develops a sawtooth shape, or it acquires a complicated structure with islands and overhangs. A simple criterion allows to distinguish between the two scenarios and its validity is reproduced by direct hydrodynamical simulations. Our model gives a better understanding of the transition and is relevant in a variety of domains, when the pinning regime is strong and only relies on a small number of sites.PACS numbers: 82.33.Ln In the systems separated in distinct phases, the dynamics is controlled by the behaviour of the propagating fronts. Those fronts pervade a broad variety of domains in physics, ranging from chemotaxis [1] and plasma physics [2] to flames front [3] or epidemics, therefore triggering much activity in their modelling (for a recent review, see [4]). One of the cornerstones in this field is the celebrated Fisher-KPP theory, describing the front propagation in reaction-diffusion systems [5]. However, this approach was limited to systems with no advection, i.e. not undergoing any fluid flow, despite its physical importance. Coherent fluid-like motion strongly impacts the dynamics of the fronts [6] and remains a challenging problem, whether because of the appearance of turbulence [7], or because of the influence of a disordered media [8,9]. One natural disordered environment for propagation fronts is a porous medium. Some examples were investigated in the petrol industry and aeronautics with attempts to address the evolution of a flame front in a gas filter [10,11]. Recently, experiments on selfsustained chemical reactions have allowed a fine and controlled examination of the propagation fronts in porous medium, revealing some striking features by direct observation [12,13].The experimental setup employs an autocatalytic reaction invading a cell filled with a solution of reactants. To reproduce porosity, the cell also contains a mixture of glass spheres of different sizes. The reaction starts at the bottom of the cell and, in the absence of advection flow, develops into an almost flat front propagating upwards with constant chemical speed |V χ | = D m α/2 and width χ = D m /|V χ |, D m being the molecular diffusion constant and α the reaction rate. In presence of an adverse flow injected from the top at speed U , the porosity generates a fixed random velocity map of the fluid with short range correlations of characteristic length d . A rich dynamical phase diagram is observed as a function of the flow velocity U , the control parameter of the experiment (see Fig