“…In one-dimensional (1D) lattices with nearest-neighbour (NN) interactions, the MF bistability is found to be replaced by a crossover driven by large quantum fluctuations [39,45,50,51]. In contrast, in certain 2D NN models, MF bistability has been found by approximate methods to be replaced by a firstorder phase-transition between two states, for nonlinear bosons using a truncated Wigner approximation [39,51], and for Ising spins using a variational ansatz acounting for nearest-neighbors correlations [45], a cluster mean field approach [52] and two-dimensional tensor network states [53]. In a parameter region around the jump, the convergence towards the steady state was found to slow down [45,51], a phenomenon related to the closing of the gap in the spectrum of the Liouvillian superoperator [54].…”