This paper reports the discovery of a new breaking of symmetry of the quantized vortex lines in superfluid 3 He-J9: Vortices with broken axisymmetry are found to be energetically more favorable than any of the axisymmetric ones in the weak-coupling limit. On the basis of our extensive numerical minimization of the vortex free-energy functional, we identify the vortices occurring in rotating 3 He-£ at low pressures as v vortices having-in addition to broken space parity P-also broken axisymmetry Q with the nonaxisymmetry quantum number 1^1 = 2, and with superfluid core in the axiplanar state.PACS numbers: 67.50.Fi Core structures of quantized vortex lines in superfluid 3 He-2? were expected to be no more interesting than those in He II, until a spontaneous phase transition was observed 1 in the rotating bulk B phase. The transition has all the features of one occurring in the vortex-core matter; it is also manifested by a change in the vortex-core magnetization. 2 The phase diagram of the vortex-core transition has been measured with both NMR and hydrodynamic techniques. 3 At high pressures the core-transition temperature follows roughly parallel to the A -B transition until the polycritical pressure, where it curves horizontally toward T Much work has been devoted to the effort of identifying the vortices associated with this unexpected transition. It was soon realized that because of the complicated "vacuum" state in superfluid 3 He-2?, with several symmetries simultaneously broken, it is possible to have five singly quantized vortex lines with different internal symmetries. 4 First it was contemplated that one could understand the vortex-core transition to be one between two of the five axisymmetric vortices, each possessing different internal symmetries. The most-symmetric o vortex in 3 He-2? has a normal core. 5 However, it was shown 4 that a less symmetric vortex, the v vortex with broken space parity P and with a superfluid core, provides the absolute minimum of energy among the axisymmetric vortices.Since no vortex-core transition was found between the different axisymmetric vortices, 4 -6,? we proposed to investigate the further breaking of the v-vortex symmetry. 7 Here we investigate the breaking of axisymmetry; nonaxisymmetric vortices in 3 He-B were also considered by Theodorakis and Fetter. 8 (Note that axisymmetry tends to be broken, as a rule, for both singular and continuous vortices in 3 He-v4.) We present the first results of our extensive numerical search for nonaxisymmetric instabilities of vortices in 3 He-2?. We found that a certain nonaxisymmetric v vortex has an energy lower (by an amount nearly equal to the energy difference between the axisymmetric o and v vortices) than that of the axisymmetric v vortex. We suggest identifying the vortex observed in 3 He-5 at low pressures with this nonaxisymmetric v vortex. The high-pressure vortex may be the axisymmetric v vortex (Ref. 4), or another nonaxisymmetric vortex, as discussed below.The order parameter in superfluid 3 He is a 3x3 complex matr...