The fermion-sign problem at finite density is a persisting challenge for Monte-Carlo simulations. Theories that do not have a sign problem can provide valuable guidance and insight for physically more relevant ones that do. Replacing the gauge group SU(3) of QCD by the exceptional group G2, for example, leads to such a theory. It has mesons as well as bosonic and fermionic baryons, and shares many features with QCD. This makes the G2 gauge theory ideally suited to study general properties of dense, strongly-interacting matter, including baryonic and nuclear Fermi pressure effects. Here we present the first-ever results from lattice simulations of G2 QCD with dynamical fermions, providing a first explorative look at the phase diagram of this QCD-like theory at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential.Finite fermion density continues to be a serious challenge for Monte-Carlo simulations due to the fermionsign problem [1,2]. The sign problem appears in many areas of physics, but is of notorious importance to dense quark systems, especially in nuclei, heavy-ion collisions, and compact stellar objects. An alternative are models and continuum methods which do not have this type of problem [3][4][5][6][7]. However, these usually require approximations, and cross checks through lattice simulations remain desirable to improve systematic reliability.To provide support from numerical simulations, two major strategies have been followed. One is to replace the baryon chemical potential by some quantity more amenable to simulations, e.g. imaginary [8][9][10] or isospin [11,12] chemical potential. The other is to replace the theory with one accessible through numerical simulations at finite density. However, such theories usually differ from the original one in more or less important aspects.One very well studied replacement of QCD for strongly interacting matter at finite density is two-color QCD [13][14][15][16][17]. In this case, the baryons are bosons instead of fermions, however. This leads to profound differences, such as Bose-Einstein condensation of a baryon superfluid with a BEC-BCS crossover at high densities instead of the usual liquid-gas transition of nuclear matter. While two-color QCD has many interesting aspects that deserve to be studied in their own right, the quantum effects due to the fermionic nature of baryons are expected to play a very significant role for nuclear matter and especially in the physics of compact stellar objects [18].Therefore, a more realistic replacement theory in this regard should contain fermionic baryons. One possibility is the strong-coupling limit [19]. In order to maintain * Electronic address: † the connection with the continuum, however, we employ here a different theory without sign problem for Monte-Carlo simulations. It is obtained by replacing the SU(3) gauge group of QCD with the gauge group G 2 [20]. All color representations of this theory are equivalent to real ones. As a consequence the Dirac operator has an antiunitary symplectic symmetry which ...