We provide a thorough characterisation of the zero-temperature one-particle density matrix of trapped interacting anyonic gases in one dimension, exploiting recent advances in the field theory description of spatially inhomogeneous quantum systems. We first revisit homogeneous anyonic gases with point-wise interactions. In the harmonic Luttinger liquid expansion of the one-particle density matrix for finite interaction strength, the nonuniversal field amplitudes were not yet known. We extract them from the Bethe Ansatz formula for the field form factors, providing an exact asymptotic expansion of this correlation function, thus extending the available results in the Tonks-Girardeau limit. Next, we analyse trapped gases with non-trivial density profiles. By applying recent analytic and numerical techniques for inhomogeneous Luttinger liquids, we provide exact expansions for the oneparticle density matrix. We present our results for different confining potentials, highlighting the main differences with respect to bosonic gases.