To gain a better understanding of the interplay between frustrated long-range interactions and zero-temperature quantum fluctuations, we investigate the ground-state phase diagram of the transverse-field Ising model with algebraically-decaying long-range Ising interactions on quasi onedimensional infinite-cylinder triangular lattices. Technically, we apply various approaches including low-and high-field series expansions. For the classical long-range Ising model, we investigate cylinders with an arbitrary even circumference. We show the occurrence of gapped stripe-ordered phases emerging out of the infinitely-degenerate nearest-neighbor Ising ground-state space on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. Further, while cylinders with circumferences 6, 10, 14 et cetera are always in the same stripe phase for any decay exponent of the long-range Ising interaction, the family of cylinders with circumferences 4, 8, 12 et cetera displays a phase transition between two different types of stripe structures. For the full long-range transverse-field Ising model, we concentrate on cylinders with circumference four and six. The ground-state phase diagram consists of several quantum phases in both cases including an x-polarized phase, stripe-ordered phases, and clock-ordered phases which emerge from an order-by-disorder scenario already present in the nearestneighbor model. In addition, the generic presence of a potential intermediate gapless phase with algebraic correlations and associated Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions is discussed for both cylinders.The search for exotic phases of quantum matter and the identification of unconventional quantum-critical behavior is one prominent theme in current research on correlated quantum many-body systems. One important knob to trigger such exotic quantumness is frustration, which can either be present due to the lattice geometry like in antiferromagnetic quantum magnets on the triangular, Kagome or pyrochlore lattice containing odd loops or result from conflicting interactions like, most prominently, in Kitaev's honeycomb model 1 realizing a topologically-ordered quantum spin liquid. Typically, all the paradigmatic models studied in this context have short-range interactions.There are, however, also important instances where long-range interactions give rise to non-trivial properties, e.g. in the spin-ice systems where the occurrence of magnetic monopoles is a consequence of the long-range dipole-dipole interaction 2 , or in ferromagnetic, unfrustrated long-range transverse-field Ising models (LRTFIMs) where critical exponents can vary continuously as a function of the strength of an algebraically decaying Ising interaction 3-9 . It is therefore natural to investigate the interplay between frustration and long-range interactions, which we expect to result in unconventional quantum behavior. Further, this interplay is of direct relevance for experimental systems, most importantly in quantum simulators with Rydberg atoms displaying an effective van-der-Waals coupling 10 as well as with...