General formulation for the effective field theory with differential operator technique and the decoupling approximation with larger finite clusters (namely EFT-N formulation) has been derived, for S-1/2 bulk systems. The effect of the enlarging this finite cluster on the results in the critical temperatures and thermodynamic properties have been investigated in detail. Beside the improvement on the critical temperatures, the necessity of using larger clusters, especially in nano materials have been discussed. With the derived formulation, application on the effective field and mean field renormalization group techniques also have been performed.
IntroductionCooperative phenomena in magnetic systems are often investigated within some approximation methods in statistical physics. There are still a few exact results in the literature [1], since the partition function is not tractable in most of the systems. The most known example of this situation is that there is still no exact result for the most basic model of magnetic systems, namely Ising model [2] in three dimensions, although exact result for two dimensional system has been presented in 1944 [3]. There are numerous approximation and simulation methods for these systems. Each of these methods have their own advantages as well as disadvantages. A class of these approximation methods is called effective field theories (EFT) [4]. Recent developments in these formulations, especially in correlated effective theories can be found in Ref. [5].Early attempts to solve Ising model yields mean field theories (MFT), which reduce the many particle Hamiltonian into one particle, with replacing the spin operators in the Hamiltonian with their thermal (or ensemble) averages. This means that neglecting all self-spin and multi-spin correlations in the system. After than, by handling the self-spin correlations, EFT formulations have been constructed. First successful variants of these approximations are Oguchi approximation [6] and Bethe-Peierls approximation (BPA) [7,8]. After than, many variants of the EFT constructed with their own advantages, disadvantages and own limitations [5].Most of the EFT formulations start by constructing a finite cluster within the system. Interactions between the spins which are located in this cluster are written exactly as much as possible and the coupling of this cluster with the 1 1