DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/013051
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Phase distortions of attosecond pulses produced by resonance-enhanced high harmonic generation

Abstract: Abstract. Resonant enhancement of high harmonic generation can be obtained in plasmas containing ions with strong radiative transitions resonant with harmonic orders. The mechanism for this enhancement is still debated. We perform the first temporal characterization of the attosecond emission from a tin plasma under near-resonant conditions for two different resonance detunings. We show that the resonance considerably changes the relative phase of neighboring harmonics. For very small detunings, their phase lo… Show more

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Cited by 73 publications
(61 citation statements)
References 48 publications
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“…Unexpectedly, the rescattering electron emitted from Be + does not only contribute to the first plateau but also greatly enhances the response of Be 2+ , which leads to the formation of the sharp peak at 30.6 eV and the second plateau. It should be emphasized that, in contrast to resonance-induced enhancement mechanisms previously reported [15,16], the peak is not related with the resonant excitation of Be + but with that . Note that the energy of quantum trajectories are slightly higher than that of classical ones due to finite distance between the origin and tunnel exit [33,34].…”
confidence: 77%
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“…Unexpectedly, the rescattering electron emitted from Be + does not only contribute to the first plateau but also greatly enhances the response of Be 2+ , which leads to the formation of the sharp peak at 30.6 eV and the second plateau. It should be emphasized that, in contrast to resonance-induced enhancement mechanisms previously reported [15,16], the peak is not related with the resonant excitation of Be + but with that . Note that the energy of quantum trajectories are slightly higher than that of classical ones due to finite distance between the origin and tunnel exit [33,34].…”
confidence: 77%
“…In the context of the latter, it is crucial to understand how HHG spectra reflect the electronic structure. As representative examples in atomic systems, the Cooper minimum in Ar [14], autoionizing resonance in Sn + [15], and the giant resonance in Xe [16] have been reported to imprint themselves in HHG spectra. All of these can be understood basically as features of single-photon ionization, i.e., the inverse process of recombination, which is the last step in the semiclassical three-step model [17,18] of HHG.…”
confidence: 99%
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“…In scattering terms, photoionization and recombination are described as halfcollisions, whereby a continuum electron wavepacket acquires an extra phase while it is temporarily trapped or repulsed by the ionic potential [10]. This simple picture must be amended if the dipole phase is not linear with frequency, as occurs across resonance features like multi-center interferences [11], Cooper minima [12], shape resonances, and autoionization resonances [13], in which case the electron wavepacket is both delayed and reshaped [12,14]. In the molecular frame, such spectral features may have strong angular variations due to the effective inter-nuclear distance and shape of the potential seen by the electron at a given angle.…”
confidence: 99%
“…In particular, Ganeev et al observed a significant resonant enhancement of a single harmonic order in laser-generated indium plasma plumes [15,16] which they attribute to resonant transitions between autoionizing states and the ground state of singly charged transition metal ions. Their work inspired a number of theoretical and experimental studies about the physical nature of the enhancement process [17][18][19][20]. Recently, Strelkov et al [18] suggested the following extension of the recombination (third) step of the established three-step model of HHG [5] in order to explain the experimentally observed enhancement: Instead of radiative recombination from continuum to the ground state, the free electron can also be trapped into an auto-ionizing state followed by a transition to the ground state and photon emission.…”
confidence: 99%