The density, dielectric constant, change of volume on mixing, refractive index, surface tension, and viscosity of the methanol-cyclohexane system have been investigated experimentally at temperatures ranging from 25" to 50'. The same properties of the binary systems acetone-methanol and acetone-cyclohexane, as well as of the ternary system methanol-cyclohexane-acetone were determined experimentally at 25'. The critical region of the partially miscible system methanol-cyclohexane has been investigated by determining the above physical properties at temperatures above and below the critical solution temperature. A similar investigation of the ternary system has been made, isothermally at 25", by investigating solutions lying in the neighborhood of the plait point.The surface tension or a derived function of it, viz. the molecular surface energy, does not show a horizontal portion of the isotherm in the methanol-cyclohexane system, but the ternary system does show such a constant surface tension, probably fortuitously, all along the tangential line. The viscosity exhibits anomaly.All the systems show azeotropic behavior. The methanol-cyclohexane and acetone-cyclohexane systems show marked deviations in molar polarization from linearity and this agrees with the thermodynamic data, which indicate larger than unity values for the activity coefficients of the components' behavior ( I ). The viscosity isotherms of all these systems give no indication of the formation of any stable compound.On a Ctuditr experimentalement la densite, la constante dielectrique, le changement de volume au cours du melange, I'indice de refraction, la tension superficielle et la viscosite du systeme methanol-cyclohexane a des temperatures allant de 25" a 50". On a determine experimentalement a 25' les m&mes proprietts des systemes binaires: acetone-methanol et acetone-cyclohexane, de m&me que celles des systemes ternaires methanolcyclohexane-acetone. La region critique du systbme partiellement nuisible: methanol-cyclohexane a kt6 Ctudiee en determinant les proprietes physiques citees plus haut, au-dessus et en bas de la temperature critique de la solution. Une enqu&te similaire sur les systemes ternaires a aussi ete faite, isothermiquement a 25", en Btudiant des solutions se trouvant au voisinage du point d'inflexion.La tension superficielle ou une fonction derivke, I'energie moleculaire superficielle ne montre pas de partie horizontale de I'isotherme du systeme methanol-cyclohexane, mais le systeme ternaire montre une tension superficielle constante, probablement fortuitement, le long de la ligne tangentielle. La viscositk est anormale.Tous les systemes ont un comportement azkotropique. Les systemes methanol-cyclohexane et acetonecyclohexane demontrent des deviations marquees de polarisation molaire de la linkarite et ceci condorde avec les donnees thermodynamiques, qui indiquent des valeurs plus grandes de coefficients d'activite des composes (I). Les isothermes de viscosite de tous les systemes ne donnent aucune indication sur la formation...