functional form developed in
J. Chem. Eng. Data20216611571171 has been applied for obtaining
a Gibbs free energy equation of state (EoS) for phase I of solid benzene.
The EoS has a validity range from 15 K up to the temperature and pressure
of the solid II–solid I–liquid triple point, that is,
488.3 K and 1164.6 MPa. The EoS parameters have been regressed on
literature data of molar volume, isothermal compressibility, thermal
expansion, and isobaric and isochoric heat capacities. The average
absolute deviation between the EoS and the primary data is 6.8% for
isothermal compressibility, 5.5% for isobaric thermal expansion, 0.9%
for molar volume, 2.7% for isobaric heat capacity, and 4.9% for isochoric
heat capacity. The EoS maintains a physically correct behavior in
the whole range of temperature and pressure of existence of phase
I of solid benzene. The developed EoS for solid benzene has been coupled
with the reference equation of state for the fluid phases developed
High Temp.-High Press2012418197 for calculating the melting and sublimation
curves. Predictions of sublimation pressures are in excellent agreement
with the recommended values of
J. Chem. Thermodynamics2014684047 and those of melting temperatures matches very
well the values obtained from the auxiliary melting equation in the
validity limits of the EoS of
High Temp.-High Press2012418197.