In all cases, when a material has to be used in medical applications, the knowledge of its physical, chemical and biological properties is of fundamental signiicance, since the direct contact between the biological system and the considered device could generate reactions whose long-term efects must be clearly quantiied. The class of materials that exhibits characteristics that allow their use for the considered applications are commonly called biomaterials. Patients sufering from diferent diseases generate a great demand for real therapies, where the use of biomaterials are mandatory. Commonly, metallic biomaterials are used because their structural functions; the high strength and resistance to fracture they can ofer, provide reliable performance primarily in the ields of orthopedics and dentistry.In metals, because of their particular structure, plastic deformation takes place easier, inducing good formability in manufacturing. The present paper is not encyclopaedic, but reports in the irst part some current literature data and perspectives about the possibility of use diferent class of metallic materials for medical applications, while the second part recalls some results of the current research in this ield carried out by the authors.