Optically coupled lasers are a strildng example of a class of self-organized nonlinear dynamic systems which are currently attracting much interest. From a practical standpoint, the coupling of lasers makes it possible to increase relatively simply both the output power and brightness of a light source. The present review gives an account of the current status of the theory and experimental results obtained for two or more optically coupled lasers. The stress is on the structure of collective modes and their stability. Frequency and phase locking of laser arrays is considered. Optical coupling systems tested experimentally are discussed and the agreement between the experiment and theory is considered. A description is given of the operation of systems in which lasers are detuned by an amount exceeding the width of a locking band. Methods for increasing the brightness of the output radiation of systems with a synthesized aperture are also discussed.include, for example, chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators, spin and atomic chains, coupled Josephson junctions, etc. Optically coupled lasers belong to the same class of systems and they are now being investigated in many laser laboratories. The principle of modular construction of laser systems is of practical importance because it provides opportunities for generating high-power highquality radiation. In particular, the development of a chemical laser for optical data processing systems has followed this approach.3 The modular structure of a laser system makes it possible to increase the output power quite simply while retaining the high quality of radiation typical of a single module.The configuration of a system of modules and the number of modules N are usually determined by the type of laser and the technology used in their manufacture. The following examples can be quoted: linear and two-dimensional arrays of semiconductor lasers (N 10) ', arrays of tubular or waveguide CO2 lasers (N 5Ø),56 arrays of fiber-optic Nd3 lasers (N = 1300), arrays of Nd3 lasers (N = 7),8 and an array of CO2 lasers with unstable resonators (N = 6).When laser modules generate noncoherent (not phase-locked) radiation, the maximum density of the power which can be delivered to a target is N times greater than the power density obtainable from a single module. If it is compared with the power density obtainable from a single laser with an aperture N112 times greater, it is found that the module array provides a higher brightness if the divergence of the radiation from a single laser exceeds N112 °diffr' where °diffr is the diffraction limit of the divergence angle (for an aperture of N112 d size).When the radiation emitted by all the modules in an array is coherent, the maximum power density which can be delivered to a target is N2 times higher than for a single module. Therefore, a module array is superior to a single laser with a divergence exceeding qdjffr if the radiation from all the O-8194-1425-5/93/$6.00 SPIE Vol. 2109 /291 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary....